The important thing to keep in mind when reading this week's comic strip is that..
The thought does matter!
The important thing to keep in mind when reading this week's comic strip is that..
The thought does matter!
They say 'Work hard and you will be rewarded.'
'Slow and steady wins the race.'
"It's about the journey, not the destination."
And yet Mrs. Ninja wonders whether it's a good or a bad thing that so many tasty things take forever to make and yet disappear in seconds; the irony in this thought being that fact that the faster it goes, the better the result.
Looking at today's comic strip about a trip and comparing that to an older one where Mrs. and Mr. Ninja go on another trip, there seems to be a pattern emerging. Do you see it?
I don't know if it's just me... have you and/or your friends/significant others needed to click mandatory pics to send back to your parents? Either for proof or giggles, you pick.
A friend once shared a post that said 'Part of marriage is asking another person if they have "any thoughts on dinner?" every day for the rest of your life.'
Having this thought in mind somehow made this week's comic more amusing to me.
Mrs. Ninja does take it upon herself to declutter her wardrobe every once in a while but the amount of questions that run through her mind when do so is fascinating, really:
- Do I have to throw these? They look fine.
- Does this mean I have to shop for new things? Gah, I hate shopping.
- Maybe I can simply start wearing these at home now.
- Is this going to end up in a landfill and pollute the environment even more?
Bottom line: It's not an easy process. MAYBE pile much?